About Us

Be Teknik is an oriented company providing consultancy, advice and solutions to enhance the SAP business of our customers. In Be Teknik we are challenged to
optimize their business processes by providing technology solutions based on best market practices, experience and knowledge possessed by the team of professionals that form our

Our business strategy is to build trust with our clients with a commitment to always be the option to deliver more value,
allowing them to focus their efforts on their own core business.
Thus, we became a company of youthful spirit, flexible, able to adapt to the needs of our customers and offer products and solutions to measures
their needs.
Ethics, respect for people and caring for the environment are some of the values ​​that guide our actions in the market, as well as flexibility, innovation and
customer orientation, who have joined us in implementing our professional practices.

The Business Strategy

Our business strategy is based on 3 pillars that make Teknik Be your best choice when choosing your Technology Partner.

Be Teknik working in four business prospects in which we focus our efforts and reinvest our resources to optimize our ability to deliver the best service:
These pillars focus our efforts and resources to optimize our ability to deliver the best service.


In Be Teknik know that companies spend a lot of effort and resources to implement tools to manage business processes and value differentiator against the competition. It is a fundamental process for these companies to select a technology partner to deposit this effort and resources in order to achieve the desired goals. We believe this process and the final step of selection is based primarily on the trust project at the beginning of a new technical and commercial relationship as well as the process of re-choose. So, trust is one of our pillars that we take special care with each client or business partner.


In Be Teknik not know how to work without compromise, because we are a group of professionals who are passionate about our work, whom we set goals and commit to being a personal challenge to meet them. That is why we base our service delivery agreements with the commitment to achieve the goals and targets agreed with our customers and business partners.


In Be Teknik know that confidence should be secured by ensuring quality in our products and services proposed. It is the quality of our people, our methodology and project management, implementation of our processes that make our products and services are provided primarily for the expected quality, assessed and agreed with our customers and business partners.


  • Perspective Consulting:

    In Be Teknik work daily to improve and enhance our methodology ABET (Accelerator BeTeknik) based on ASAP methodology (SAP Accelerator) with which we get our tools on each client application where we serve.
    With this methodology, all consultant Teknik be ready to plan your tasks, define and design your strategy to achieve the targets agreed with the customer, measure their own work according to plan and execute the necessary contingency measures that lead to adjust the plan to the goal objective.

  • Knowledge Perspective and HHRR :

    Consultant To Be Teknik is the cornerstone of the service we provide, therefore we work to structure our knowledge to manage it and make it available to our teams which feed back and improve business processes of our customers.
    Be Teknik is essential for knowledge transfer to the same level, from top to bottom and from bottom to top. For this reason, our program offers BeTKT our Consultants courses in various areas of knowledge such as Leadership, Management, Quality, SAP Solutions, etc., Which strengthen the knowledge, rooted belonging to the Company and make communication between staff generate a virtuous cycle that is transferred to our clients.

  • Perspectiva de Consultoría:

    Con Be Teknik trabajamos diariamente por mejorar y potenciar nuestra metodología ABeT (Accelerator BeTeknik) basada en la metodología ASAP (Accelerator SAP) con la cual, obtenemos nuestras herramientas de aplicación en cada cliente donde prestamos servicio.
    Con esta metodología, todo Consultor de Be Teknik estará preparado para planificar sus tareas, definir y diseñar su estrategia para conseguir los objetivos acordados con el cliente, medir su propio trabajo según el plan y ejecutar las medidas contingentes necesarias que lleven a ajustar el plan hacia la meta objetiva.

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